Wednesday, March 10, 2010

New York City Part One

Our family went to New York City last week for our family vacation. The best thing we could have done was buying a New York City Pass. It forced us to get going every day, see the city and try things we may have not known about. We left our of SeaTac airport and brought along a new temporary member of the family: Flat Stanley. He is a school project for a little girl in Alberta.

Our first day was in Seattle to the Space Needle and Pike Market. Todd was able to catch the last part of the hockey game in the restaurant bar while the girls and I chatted with people from all over visiting Seattle. Got my hand shook in Congratulations from a farmer from just outside Chicago. Todd was worried about cheering too loudly as we defeated the USA in overtime.

We arrived in New York the next day. Our hotel was in Times Square. It was definitely loud but we kept the room fan on to drown out the noise so it wasn't too bad. We went to Toysrus and the girls and I went on the ferris wheel that they have. It is four storeys high. We also went to the Hershey's and M&Ms Stores.
This was our hotel in Times Square

This Empire State Building was made out of Lego

The next morning, we went to the Central Park Zoo and The Museum of Natural History. We took the subway for the first time to get to the zoo. I was impressed with the mosaics that they have at every station and how it cooresponded to the theme of the stop. The zoo reminded me of Stanley Park's old zoo. Pretty small but nice to see. There was still snow on the ground in the park itself and some of the pond was frozen over. We went by Wollman Rink but decided not to go skating as we didn't want to line Trump's pocket with 60 dollars to family skate for a half an hour. Yikes! We moved on the Museum of Natural History. It was a fantastic and interesting place that you could easily spend two full days at. We picked the exhibits that we thought the girls would like the most and that was enough for them. We then went over to 5th Avenue to FAO Schwartz and the girls got to try out the big piano that was in the old 80's movie "Big" starring Tom Hanks. They also posed next to a stuffed bear worth over 1000 dollars. It was a huge multi storied store and a kids dream. That night, Linda and I went to the musical Wicked. It was very a fantastic show. A really neat twist on the Wizard of Oz theme. Very Entertaining. This was in the subway station near the zoo.

The clock at Central Park Zoo
We went for lunch to the themed restaurant Jekyll and Hyde for lunchDay at the Museum of Natural History - It had to entrances. The space entrance and the original main entrance

Big Giant Meteorite

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