Well it won't taste like chicken for a while but I must admit I am getting impatient waiting for these eggs to materialize. They are definitely maturing as two of them have their bright red combs and waddles. I look everyday for eggs but nothing yet. Yesterday evening, Vanessa had locked them out of their coop. Heather was in the basement watching television and came up to tell me the chickens were acting weird. She said that they had climbed up on stuff under the deck and were staring at her through the window. They definitely let us know when something is wrong. Hagrid was missing when we went out there but found her on the coops roof. She let me pick her up and place her in the coop with not much-to-do. The cat was out earlier this week and when the chickens and Meeko discovered each other, it was quite the ruckus. Meeko didn't know what to do but the chickens let it known that there was a beast among them and I am sure they could be heard a block away. Meeko high tailed it back into the house and has not wanted to go out since. Needless to say, I am wanting some eggs soon. It has been a long wait.
Hagrid and Luna |
Luna |
Hagrid |
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