Wow! We sure suffered over the Christmas holiday here with a very active stomach bug. Vanessa got it first but recovered quite quickly, then Heather and Todd got it the night before Heather's birthday. We had to frantically call every invitee and postpone Heather's party because we didn't want to spread the bug. Mom and Dave were delayed three days as we didn't want them to get the bug either. I got it Christmas morning and Todd had to take over the Christmas dinner duties for 13 people. He did a great job. I got to stay in bed all day and miss the festivities. It took a couple days but we are all recovering. The girls got a visit from Santa and both got things they wanted. Vanessa really wanted an orange truck and Heather wanted a pony. She got a whole lot of little ones instead as Santa can't afford a real pony in this recession.
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