Monday, May 27, 2013

Vanessa's Canoe and Kayak Class

Vanessa had a lot of fun last year so we decided to try her out in the racing program. She had a good time but she does not like doing anything big sister does so she did not continue after her first regatta. She enjoyed jumping in the water the most.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Chick Update

The chicks are getting bigger. They are finally okay to handle more. I hope they are all are girls.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Dragonboat Racing

Heather and her friend Piper and Jennifer signed up to compete in dragon boat racing. A lot different than kayaking.
The Cheer Squad

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Good Day of Riding

Heather is getting better and more confident riding Robin. She has really started to improve with the more consistent lessons. She is going over posts and is learning to canter. The video is of her cantering.

Monday, May 13, 2013

New Additions to the Yard

A few new additions to the yard were made. Todd made the girls a rope swing in the bush. I received a hammock and hanging basket for Mother's Day. Todd also recycled a pallet and made a garden bench placing on two old stumps.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Weird Eggs

These are a sample of why everyday is a new experience with the chickens. These arrived in the same week.

New Batch of Chicks

We waited almost a month to get the breeds we wanted. We got six new chicks to add to our flock. Two Cuckoo Marans, two Welsummers, one Dominique and one Speckled Sussex. Now we have to clean twice as much but they are still cute. The Marans will lay chocolate colored eggs. Looking forward to seeing those but it will be at least a six month wait for them to start laying. We chose for looks and egg color.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Opening Regatta of the Season

First Regatta of the season happened this weekend. It was a beautiful day for early May. Heather participated in the (Kayak)K1, K2, K4 and (Canoe) C4. Tough competition since they are having to compete against a lot of older girls but they did well and had fun.

Christmas Greetings 2023

It has been quite a year of adventures and challenges this year of 2023. This year brought us losses, injuries as well as new jobs and many ...