Sunday, November 27, 2011

Heather's Medal Test

Heather had her Canadian Medal Test today for The Swords. No one is allowed to watch while she is being judged. She thought she did good but she did kick the swords twice so we will see if she passes. This is her new outfit. I bought one on ebay from Scotland which my cousins generously shipped to us from Inverness. The outfit was a little big but we are using the socks. We had to buy another one that fits right now but she is pretty much set for Highland until she is in her late teens. We also just had to buy her a National outfit for her to perform her Lilt this month. The National costume is being made in Ontario and she will receive it for her birthday from Grandma Tutu, Grandpa Dave, Grandpa, and Mom and Dad. She will do the Lilt and the Swords for a Scottish judge in the spring.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pie and Poinsettias

Delanie's 13th Birthday was coming up so we stopped to wish her well on her special day and give her her present. We decided after that to go to Minter's, out in Chilliwack, to pick up a poinsettia and then stop at the airport for a little of their famous pie.
This pie was split between the two girls. This was Heather's share.

Vanessa's share

Royal Blue Poinsettia with sparkles

Thursday, November 17, 2011

More snow!!!

We had another snowfall after school. It was a lot more than the first and it stayed around for a while too.
Frontyard when it started


A little more accumulation. Had to get the fire going

Nice and warm

Saturday, November 12, 2011

First Snowfall of the Year!!!

On November 12th, we recieved our first snowfall. It was the first at the new house and the girls were thrilled to get out and play in it. I posted some pictures on facebook and one of my friends said I should send it to Global BC news because they were looking for pictures of this allusive snowfall they were hearing about. They ended up being on the Global BC webpage as the top story.
Of course they got the location wrong but thats the news for you. Grandma and Grandpa were up in Kamloops and were checking on the weather before they headed for home and were surprised to see their grandchildren on it. That was funny! Check out the video below.

The carrot was from the garden

Saturday, November 5, 2011

November Nonsence

November is one of those months that are busy but hard to remember things that occur in this month. This particular weekend there was three birthday parties that the girls were invited to. The girls riding lessons also are continuing. Vanessa is not strong enough for English riding so her teacher thought she should try Western with Sage. She did not like it as much and thought the horse went too slow. We will see if she will try it again next time.

Vanessa with Sage

Heather with Bellatrix

Vanessa and Heather at a skating party

These were weird mushrooms we saw near the Leisure Centre. I really didn't think red mushrooms with white polka-dots existed

Christmas Greetings 2023

It has been quite a year of adventures and challenges this year of 2023. This year brought us losses, injuries as well as new jobs and many ...