Saturday, June 25, 2011

Todd's Big 4-0 Surprise Party

Todd came home from work and got a nice surprise. He knew there was going to be a party but he thought it was going to be people from my work. He suspected something might be planned but didn't think it was going to happen that day. He was so pleased with all the people who took the time to come out and celebrate this milestone in his life. Happy 40th Todd! Thanks Audrey for all the pictures as my camera has not been fixed as you can tell from the first few.

I shot off a bear banger when he blew out the candles. It made a really nice bang. That bear banger was loud!

The kids were in there like piranhas, wanting a slice of cake

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Walk on the Wild Side

Funniest story of the year...I am sure. I was maintaining the yard and scooping doggie doo into the bush when all of a sudden the bush moved back. What I had done was thrown doggie doo doo at a big black bear! He poked his head out of the bush and I ran with shovel in hand into the house (eventually dropped the shovel because it was slowing me down). Ran inside, yelling Bear!! Bear!!. Then, Todd and I stood on the deck and watched the bear sniff the air in the yard from the bush. He went back into the bush but then crossed our back field. We were only able to take a picture and it was blurry partly because the camera is still broken and having problems focusing but I am sure it was because I was shaking too. He was a big boy. The next day there was two in the bush next to the house but they didn't come into the yard.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Nature At Our Door Step Literally

We had this robin that was flying out of our honeysuckle anytime we went near the dining room window. We figured that there must be a nest in the bush and we were right. It had made a nest right on the front porch in our honeysuckle. Mr. and Mrs. Robin layed three eggs.

All three eggs hatchedThey got big really fast. We noticed we could only see two.Only one made it and flew away. one was dead in the nest caused by the parents and one fell out of the nest and died. Nature is tough but it was a good lesson that we will explain to the girls when they are ready. They think they all flew away into the bush. That's sort of what happened but...

Vanessa's Preschool Graduation

Vanessa had her last special day at preschool. It was a western theme and then they got to put on the little gowns and mortar boards. They looked so cute. Another milestone for sure.

With Ms. Kim

With Ms. Chantal

Thursday, June 16, 2011

House at Night

Took some pictures of the house and yard at dusk. I like all the lights around the dormers. The pond and gazebo have some lights too. We need to work on getting some driveway lights as it is quite dark driving into the yard.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Flying up to Guides Ceremony

Heather completed two years of Brownies. Her sash is full of badges demonstrating her efforts and learnings. It was a very cold day but a very proud monent. Girl Guides is a very good organization and we hope heather can continue to be a part of it and learn great skills.

Christmas Greetings 2023

It has been quite a year of adventures and challenges this year of 2023. This year brought us losses, injuries as well as new jobs and many ...