We went to the Kilby Children's Festival again. The kids got to participate in performances as well as get their face painted. There are always animals to touch and feed. We also went to our second Corn Fest. It was fun to make a scarecrow in western theme and play some old fashion games like the three-legged, potato sack and wheelbarrel races. We won the scarecrow competition this year!
This year was the Pacific National Exhibition's 100th Anniversary. They kicked off this years fair with a parade in Vancouver. Heather's Brownie Group was part of the parade and I got to accompany her. Lots of big balloons and community groups were involved. Fin, the Canucks mascot, saw Vanessa and decided to bite her on the head.
After a three year break because of low salmon stock counts, we are finally able to fish for Sockeye salmon again on the river. I headed out with a friend on his boat opening day. Did not have a lot of luck but was able to pull one in that day. The second day I took the girls to a place where you can walk in and fish. Along with what seemed like hundreds of others, I fished for hours with no luck except snagging one by its back which I had to release and losing a lot of gear in snags. The girls were really good and entertained themselves with only their imagination and millions of rocks. We ended up fishing next to these guys who were having all the luck in the world and they even helped the girls bring their first one ever for each of them. Great group of people. We took home five. Made some fillets and I am going to smoke some as well. Unfortunately, I lost Heather's picture off my cell phone but she didn't have a happy face anyway because she thought it was gross to hold on to it. She said in the end she had a good time though.