You know you have had a busy day when you fall asleep with a lollipop on your tongue.

We set up a lemonade stand for the girls last Sunday. It was really hot and we thought it would be a good way to teach the girls about money. They sold lemonade and cookies. Our street gets a fair amount of traffic and they ended up making $24.00 dollars at 50 cents a glass and 25 cents a cookie. The money lesson didn't go as planned because so many people said keep the change. The entrepreneur
Monday, we went to White Rock to try out the beach. We went to the dog beach so that Jigs could come. He had an absolute blast and got the dirtiest ever. He rolled in all kinds of things. The girls had a lot of fun collecting sand dollars and snail shells. Jigs liked all the interaction with other dogs. The little ones were the ones that really gave him a run for his money. Jigs learned the meaning of Ankle Biters!!!
Thanks again Grandma Tutu and Grandpa Dave for taking the girls for a week and a half. Now you need the vacation.
Little Pig, Little Pig, Let me in!Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin
I question the enchantment of this place...a pillory..really?
Made it to the land of the Dinosaurs!
The girls enjoyed climbing up the giant dinosaur in the town and checking out the view from its mouth. It was warm so they also took a dip in the fountain and had fun at the water park.
The following day was spent at the Royal Tyrrell Musum of Paleontology in Drumheller. Museum walk about was done in the morning and the girls were signed up for programs in the afternoon. Heather did the Junior Dinosaur Explorers. Vanessa and Todd did the Dino Adventure Hour which looked like a lot of fun as you will see on the video. To end the afternoon, they all went for a hike on the Seven Wonders of the Badlands Tour. Todd got to eat rocks! He tried the popcorn rock. I think I would pass on that. The programs were an awesome experience and they learned a lot.
That ain't no chicken leg!
Holy Mammoths!!!
A real dinosaur claw fossil!
These dinosaurs hitched a ride home back to BC!
It has been quite a year of adventures and challenges this year of 2023. This year brought us losses, injuries as well as new jobs and many ...